Scots revision

Revision for Scott


Public service broadcaster: ITV, Channel 4.


Regulatory bodies: PEGI, OFCOM, BBFC.


What is the BBC trust: What’s shown in the public interest?


Name one other way the BBC is funded: Sponsorship, national lottery.


Media conglomerates: Disney, News corps, Virgin.


Difference between conglomerate and independent company: The reach to audience (Disney will have a larger audience than an independent company) – size of employees, resources.


National companies: BBC.


Community based: To serve the interest of the local community, to generate local work force.


Snowflakes: Vertical integration = meaning they own all stages of that process, no external companies.


Mainstream: wider audience, Hollywood actors, bigger budget, higher revenue.


Niche: specific targeted audience.


Two main obligations of BBFC: Age rating, release date.


Characteristics of co-operative: Everything’s shared-Profit, shared network, shared resources.


Pros and cons of working collaborative: shared resources, shared ideas. (Cons) shared income.


Pros and cons of working independently: Flexible working, own schedule. (Cons) reputation,


(An advantage for restriction on internet, its liable, there’s ethical issues, freedom of speech, Privacy laws.)

Name two roles of the BBC: to serve the public interest, to educate, to inform.

Benefits of being a Freelancer: Flexible working, own boss,

Methods of recruitment (online): It’s easier, it’s active, creativity via digital CV, recognised platform.

*Size and structure* Question paper

Give one characteristic of a local media organisation: close relationship with its audience.

Give one characteristic of a community media organisation: Serves the needs of the community. Volunteer (non-profit organisation)

Give one characteristic of a national media organisation: Wider audience.






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